Solar Repellant
Solar repellent can chase away small animals like rats, dogs, cats, foxes etc. from gardens or agricultural fields. If the motion of these animals are detected within the certain range of the repellent, the device automatically scares them away by using ultrasonic sound, flash-light and vibration until they go outside of the range.
- Effective in chasing away crop-destroying animals
- Reduces health risk by not using chemicals, pesticides, or poison
- No need to use traps
- Does not cause any animal death, so it protects loss of biodiversity.
- Does not pollute soil, water, or air
- Self-operated by solar power with no maintenance
- Durable waterproof device, suitable for all weather conditions.
Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation:
- Does not emit any harmful Greenhouse gases
- Can repel animals in a sustainable way.
Regional Feasibility:
- All regions, especially agricultural areas.
How to purchase:
Online platforms like Aliexpress, Alibaba, Daraz etc.
Approx. BDT 700 – 2000. Prices may vary depending on the range and quality of the repeller and which animal will be used for chasing.