A green climate initiative of CCDB

Three Layer Vegetable Garden


Three-layer vegetable garden is a process of growing different vegetables vertically in three layers. Vegetables that are relatively shed-tolerant are cultivated under the entresols. On the other hand, creeping plants are grown on the first and second layers.



  • Vegetables can be grown quickly in small space.
  • Can produce more vegetables simultaneously in a single season on the same land
  • Can protect crops from salinity and water logging condition


Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation

Enables possibilities of growing vegetables where surface soil is not cultivable due to salinity or waterlogging.


Regional Feasibility

All over the country, especially in the coastal areas like Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Barguna, Patuakhali, etc.


Cost: BDT 4,000-5,000 per decimal of land area