Action Oriented Research
The Climate Centre of CCDB is working on strategic partnerships with research organizations as well as universities for collaboration in research activities. These organizations can be from Bangladesh or from abroad. A common ground would be established before collaboration, considering the research interests, areas of work, and values of the respective organizations. CCDB has a long and broad experience in working with Community Based Organizations (CBOs). An example is the Community Climate Resilience Centres (CCRC) for resilience building of climate-vulnerable people, which have been established and supported by CCDB in the coastal regions. Working with climate-vulnerable people for their wellbeing has increased the CCDB’s competence and enabled the organization to assemble a large database on socioeconomic status, demographic information, risks, and local adaptation techniques. Additionally, for the last decade, the CCDB has been working on climate risk assessment, climate resilience, mitigation, technology transfer, Community Based Adaptation (CBA), Loss and Damage (L & D), and renewable energy for rural communities. Moreover, in order to explore research opportunities in several sectors of the climate change community, this Centre is closely attached to ICCCAD, Bangladesh Agriculture University, as well as Jahangirnagar University. The Climate Centre facilitates the research journey from desk to real field of the coastal zone where rural people face climatic devastating impacts frequently. To receive more information on the ongoing and projected research in the coming years for potential collaboration, please drop an email to: [email protected]