A green climate initiative of CCDB

Field trip to Climate Technology Park


An eye-opening experience for international guests

The Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) hosted a field trip for international participants at the Gobeshona 6 Conference to Climate Technology Park at Sreepur, Gazipur on 24 January 2020.

It was for them a practical way to learn more about the theme of the conference – turning climate research into action.

Around 25 participants, including academic, government and nongovernment representatives, from Bhutan, Italy, Kenya, Malawi, Sweden and Zimbabwe, visited the park.

The trip started with a presentation through which the observers learnt about the impact of climate change on the five main zones in Bangladesh – the coastal area, drought prone area, flood-prone char and haor zones and hilly ecosystems.

After the presentation, the experts were given a guided tour of the park.

A number of low cost solutions for climate vulnerable people were demonstrated to the international guests at the park.

One of the solutions was how the farmers living in the cyclone and flood prone areas would be able to select suitable technologies.

Different salt tolerant crop varieties, vertical agricultural techniques, low-water cultivation, drip irrigation and many other technologies were demonstrated during the tour.

These simple technologies are turning points for people as they add values to combating climate change stress more efficiently.

Another solution demonstrated at the park was how communities affected by salt water intrusion would benefit from water solutions.

At the park, storing rainwater, solar-powered reverse osmosis desalinization plants and even collecting potable water from air vapor were demonstrated.

It was an eye-opening experience for the international guests as they realized how cyclone, sea level rise and salinity had been affecting the life and livelihood of people living along the coast of Bangladesh.

Energy-efficient cooking technologies like -bio-gas, fuel efficient stoves, gasifier and waste to fuel converter which minimize health hazards amongst women and children, enhance monthly economic benefits, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and save our forests, were also shown to the international guests.

The Climate Technology Park will be officially inaugurated at the end of this year.

Once finished, the water garden will become a special attraction, becoming home to a large variety of native species.

National and international visitors can book guided tours, and customized programs will be offered to women, children and young professionals.

Visitors can take walks through the coastal, dry, char land, hilly and haor zones. They will experience how Bangladesh is adapting to the impact of climate change, and how it is reducing carbon footprints.

Practical demonstrations of over hundreds of technologies, crucial for poor rural communities, will make this visit unforgettable.


This news was published at Dhaka Tribune